1300 133 767
NZ: 0800 441 725

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Contact Us



Red Roo Sales & Service Company Pty Ltd

41-43 Keysborough Ave
Keysborough, Victoria, 3173

Phone +61(3) 9769 0455 or
1300 133 767
Email |info@redroo.com]


New South Wales

Greater West Outdoor Power Equipment & Hire

1431 Elizabeth Drive

Kemps Creek, NSW 2178

Phone +61 (2) 9826 1235


A & A Equipment Pty Ltd

3/14 Shaw Road

Ingleburn, NSW 2565

Phone +61(2) 9605 1440
Email  aandaequipmentptyltd@gmail.com



Premier Outdoor Power Equipment

5 Alliance Avenue

Morisset, NSW 2264

Phone +61(2) 4973 3606


Western Australia

Red Roo Sales & Service Pty Ltd

Phone 1300 133 767
Fax 1300 133 757

Hempfield Small Motor Service

266 Welshpool Road,

Welshpool WA 6106

Phone 08 9451 4833
Fax 08 9356 1253


Red Roo Sales & Service Pty Ltd

Phone 1300 133 767
Fax 1300 133 757


JC Machinery & Equipment

17/3-9 Octal Street

Yatala, QLD 4207

Phone 0423 396 057



Light Engine Worx

5/211 Diagonal Road, Warradale 5046, South Australia

Phone 0421 643 453






Red Roo Sales & Service

149 Nan Chang Road,
Shanghai, China

Phone +86 21 5382 7502
Email info@redroo.com


United States of America

Red Roo Sales & Service USA, L.L.C.

2717 30th Avenue North,
Birmingham, AL 35207

P.O Box 5548,
Birmingham, AL 35207

Phone 1 800 579 7352
Email info@redroo.com


New Zealand

Red Roo Sales & Serivce

Unit 3, 197 Montgomerie Road, Mangere
Auckland, 1061, New Zealand

Phone +64-21-0869-9784
Email info@redroo.com


AJ's Mobile Powersport Mechanics

Torbay, Auckland, New Zealand

Phone +64 21 151 9845
Email info@ajmpm.co.nz




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Welcome to Red Roo

Red Roo Sales and Service has been involved in the manufacturing and distribution of commercial environmental equipment for over forty years. From the Do it Yourself customer to the commercial contractor, Red Roo is committed to providing the best quality machine in the industry.

Extensive Range of products

Red Roo has a comprehensive range of equipment and we understand that product information is critical to your business to achieve its full potential and to maximise customer satisfaction. We provide a library of videos that are second to none in the industry.  Red Roo products are jointly manufactured in Australia and the United States of America. 

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